THJ 2023
Results & photos from another great weekend at Kulim Park.
Thanks to everyone who attended our annual Tauranga Harbour Jam event this year! Despite low numbers initially, we had a last minute flurry of registrations when the weather forecast suddenly turned in our favour with nice foiling weather predicted for Saturday.
Given the lighter winds forecast for Sunday, we all made the most of Saturday’s weather getting in some fun relay races while the tide filled in then the full fleet were out on foils, fins and wings. The bronze fleet enjoyed a front row position just off the boat ramp, while a Northlerly course was set for the Gold & Silver Fleets further out in the harbour making for some great spectating as well.
Windfoil Gold Division:
1st = Veerle Ten Have
2nd = Blake Hinsley
3rd = Brett Jeffery
Windfoil Silver Division
1st = Joey McGarr
2nd = Fred Nolan
3rd = Stanley Choi
1st = Lloyd Perratt
2nd = Alex Yakimkin
3rd = Josh Collins
Windsurf Gold Division:
1st = Cluadio Barbuzza
2nd = John Davies
Windsurf Silver Division:
1st = Liz Parker
2nd = Brian Walmsley
3rd = Dave Macfarlane
Windsurf Bronze Division:
1st = Andrey Lobanov
2nd = Alan Jones
3rd = Tim Johnston
Wipeout Trophy 2023 = Tim Johnston & Lucy Sheppard
Barry Cup 2023 - Awarded to the most improved sailor = TBC