One Foundation Funds Club Gear
We are incredibly grateful to One Foundation for the generous funding to purchase near learner rigs and a foil board and foil ready sail, making these sports more available to our local community.
Our club already has a number of very experienced instructors and a limited supply of learner gear previously donated by Tauranga Yacht and Power Boat Club. However, much of this was very old and needing replacing plus we had no means of helping people into the sport of foiling.
One Foundation (formerly First Sovereign Trust Limited) was established in 2004 to distribute grant funding from the proceeds of licensed gaming machines. Based in Rotorua, eligible organisations and community groups can apply to One Foundation for funding to support their objectives.
With the addition of this extra gear and foil-ready set-up, TWI Club can confidently offer Learn to Sail days and weekends to the local community as well as schools and business groups who may be interested in a fun group activity this summer!
A special thanks also to our club committee and, in particular, Lucy who undertook our funding programme on the hope that we would attract support for our club from such organisations. Understandably, the application process is rigorous, and Lucy volunteer significant time and skill to help make our application successful.
If you are interested in Learning to Sail or Foil then find out more and request a booking here.